Print Isn't Marking Material (Aura)

Glowforge Aura

If the laser head in your Glowforge Aura moves but doesn't mark your material, here are a few key things to check.

The two most likely reasons the laser does not mark material on your Glowforge Aura are a) settings, and b) material height. The print settings must be high enough for the laser to mark the material, and the material must be placed within focus range of the laser. You can run a test print by following these steps:

  1. Place a sheet of Proofgrade material on the cutting tray in your Glowforge Aura and open a simple design such as the Gift of Good Measure.

  2. Before you start the print, please select the default Proofgrade settings for your material. After that, you'll see the word, “Cut," “Score," or “Engrave” under each step on the left-hand side of your workspace.

  3. Push the button and start the print. During printing, write down the answers to these questions:
  • Is the printer marking the material as expected?
  • Is the laser head moving during the print?
  • Do you hear any unusual noises from your printer?
  • As the print finishes, leave the lid closed and wait until the fans stop and the lid image updates on screen in Glowforge Print.

  • If the laser appeared and the print was successful, it's likely that settings on the previous print were too low for the laser to appear, or the material was too low in the printer. If so, please check your settings and try another print.

  • If the laser still does not appear, please let us know.

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