Make a Bubble Wand from Scratch using Premium Creative Tools

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to make fun, custom bubble wands in just minutes using Premium Creative Tools. Jump into summer with these personalized fun makers.

3 bottles of bubble solution, 4 custom made wands and bubbles floating around in the air.

Add Artwork

First, we’ll add some artwork.

  1. On the upper toolbar, click Import artwork.
  2. Find some art you like. We're going to search for “tuba”.

    A screenshot showing using the + button and search feature to select clipart of a tuba in the Glowforge App
  3. Click the art you want. It will appear in your workspace.

Add stars

Next, we’ll add a star from the Insert Shape toolbar to your workspace.

  1. On the upper toolbar, click Insert Shape, and then click Insert star.

    A screenshot of using the shape button and selecting the star tool in the Glowforge App
  2. When the star appears on your workspace, you’ll also see the Star settings window. Change the number of points to 50, and adjust the sharpness to 10.
    A screenshot of the star tool window in the Glowforge App with values typed in to adjust the number of points and sharpness of the star
  3. Copy and paste as many of these as you'd like to add to your design.

Arrange your objects

Now we’ll arrange all your shapes.

  1. Click and drag your tuba to place it where you want.
  2. Click and drag your star shapes to size and arrange them above the tuba.

A screenshot of arranging and scaling illustrations of stars and a tuba in the Glowforge App

Tip: If you want to fit your wand into a small bottle of bubbles, make your largest star shape about 0.75 inch (20mm). For big bubbles, go huge and pour your bubble solution into a dish!

Create an outline

For the last step in your bubble wand design, you'll create an outline.

  1. Click and drag a selection box around your artwork and shapes.
    A screenshot of selecting artwork and then clicking on the outline tool button in the Glowforge App
  2. On the toolbar that appears, click the Outline tool, and then click Create New Outline.
  3. To adjust the distance of your outline from the objects, drag the Adjust Outline slider. We recommend somewhere between 1/8th to 1/4 inch (3-6mm).

Check settings

Finally, we'll make sure your Glowforge knows what to do with each of the shapes in your design.

  1. Place a piece of Proofgrade material in your print bed or click the material menu in the upper left and select your material.
  2. Make sure the tuba is set to Engrave.

    A screenshot of the print settings for the stars, tuba and outline in the Glowforge App
  3. Make sure the stars and outline are set to Cut.
  4. If everything looks good, it's time to print! Click the PRINT button in the upper right.
  5. Press the blinking white button on your Glowforge when you're ready to start your print.

Enjoy your creation

Congrats, you've made a beautiful, one-of-a-kind bubble wand! Use this technique to create dozens of unique bubble wands for summer fun. You can even try making your own bubble solution!

See also

View the tutorial in the Glowforge app

Learn more about Glowforge Premium





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